Computer Donations during the Pandemic
Farnborough Lions have regularly carried out fund raising events to help a wide variety of good causes locally, nationally and overseas.
However, with Covid restrictions, all fund raising has ceased from March, but the need for financial help by community organisations and less fortunate local families is continuing.
Despite the community work of Farnborough Lions Club being severely curtailed we are still helping local people in a variety of ways.
When schools closed earlier this year it quickly became apparent that many pupils in Farnborough did not have access to computers to carry out schoolwork at home. The Lions Clubs in Hart and Rushmoor banded together to collect, clean and refurbish unused computers from local business, schools and local authorities before donating them, free of charge to families who otherwise could not afford them.
From March 2020 over 295 computers have been distributed to families in Farnborough allowing their children's schoolwork to continue.
That translates to a value of £44,250 in Farnborough alone. Altogether more than 750 computers, laptops and tablets have been donated throughout the area by the local Lions Clubs at an estimated value of £112,500. These pictures show just 2 of the many hundreds of local school children to benefit from the Lions Zone 2E IT Refurbishment Project.

During the approach to Christmas and to recognise the importance of keeping young people safe we have made a donation to Step by Step - a local charity who provides accommodation, food and counselling to young homeless people in the Rushmoor area. That donation has ensured that 5 homeless youngsters will this Christmas enjoy the warmth and shelter of a friendly home without needing to worry about where their next meal is coming from.
We have also made a donation to the Lions Community Store to fund food supplies and children's toys for less fortunate families in Rushmoor and Hart Districts.
If you would like to help Farnborough Lions continue this invaluable work, visit our fundraising page where you can give a donation or take part in the Rushmoor Community Lottery to support the Lions where you could win up to £25,000. Click the 'Go there now' logo above.